Our Policies

State Mandated Overdevelopment (COAH)

New Jersey is the most densely populated State in the Nation. Within District 36, we have four of the most densely populated municipalities in New Jersey, Cliffside Park, Fairview, Passaic and Wallington. Over the next 10 years, the State has mandated that our District 36 communities add over 6,500 new units.

We must address affordable housing unit mandates for each town within New Jersey, where each area has been issued an order to provide a certain number of units. Let us consider the overdue and much needed infrastructure enhancements before requiring more housing units and even greater density. Our residents need clean affordable living accommodation, but we need to create them through smarter and well-thought-out plans and initiatives, not mandates.

Secure Communities

We must secure our communities by revoking the “Sanctuary” status of the State of New Jersey. Our great local, county and State police agencies must be able to cooperate with ICE to remove criminals from our streets. They must be able to collaborate and share intelligence where necessary, to deter and disrupt crime. Both issues created under the Sanctuary State status. New Jersey’s bail system is broken and must be overhauled. Protection of our citizens must be the priority. Our communities and residents deserve to be secure from recidivist offenders, who are arrested and released before the officer has even completed his/her paperwork.

Reducing Taxes & Promoting Economic Growth

New Jersey has the highest property tax, income tax and business tax in the Country - we need to cut those across the board. Return that money to our hard-working taxpayers, assist our small business, support and grow our local economy. We need a permanent Senior property tax freeze and create a property tax cap. We must significantly reduce income tax rates and business tax rates. New Jersey must stop creating regulation for regulation’s sake, which only impedes the creation of new business. New Jersey’s outmigration is off the charts, a direct result of high taxes, restrictive business regulations and challenging policies.

Educational Opportunities and Family Values

Recently, the Murphy administration cut aid to schools throughout New Jersey, which directly impacted our communities within District 36. The Democrats fix to a failed school funding formula was to tax you and us, more. We need to adjust this and lower costs Statewide.

President Trump’s election was a mandate from across our great Nation, to eliminate woke school policies and put the focus back on strong education for children. For those students who will not move on to college, we need to introduce more Trade, Skills and STEM programs and provide incentives for trade unions to partner with our public schools. We will also fight for female sports and follow up on President Trump’s Executive Order to keep males from competing against our daughter’s. It is not only unfair, but it is extremely dangerous.

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

Inflation has risen to record levels, healthcare costs have increased exponentially and property taxes are some of the highest in the United States. This is all while equity markets have significantly increased. Through all of this, our over 53,000 first responders and 300,000 public pension system retirees, have not received a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) since June 2011. Our 1st responders, some of them 9/11 survivors and others who were injured in the line of duty, have been abandoned. Their retirement has become unaffordable, it's time for a cost-of-living adjustment. They deserver better, let’s respect their service.